When Your Dog Whispers, Howls or Barks in Order to Get Your Attention
They know how to attract their owners’ attention by howling. If your dog is howling to attract attention, he’ll do it right in front of you.
He might need food, water or toys. You would be making a grave mistake if you continued to give in to his requests every time he cried.
Teach him to be quiet and not to howl when he asks for something. Quietness is the best way to get his request granted.
Ignore him the next time he cries out for attention, or to be given something. You should not speak to, touch, or look at him.
If you continue to do this, he’ll eventually realize that his howling is not getting him anywhere and will stop.
Reward him if he quietens down. You need to test his endurance a bit before you give him the treat. Wait about 10 to 15 second.