He is able to spot colors in bright hues.
Peter was surprised to find the snake still in the same place when they arrived. Peter doesn’t have large eyes, but the bright color of the snake allows him to see it at a great distance.

Peter made the mistake of getting too close to the snake in order to see it better. He was worried that it had died in that spot because the snake was still there. It turned out that this was not true as the snake suddenly bit him.
This does not look good…
Peter had barely time to comprehend what had just happened. He felt a stinging in his hand, and blood slowly began to flow. He felt dizzy as he turned to the Ranger.

Peter was in a bad situation. The caretaker did not seem to notice that Peter was in severe pain and short of breath. Peter asked the ranger to bring him to hospital but the ranger did not care. The ranger took him somewhere else than the hospital.