There shouldn’t be any snakes in this area
Peter knew this but he didn’t pay any attention to the snakes. It was not an area where snakes are common. He was walking through the woods. They were too cold here. This is clearly not a typical snake.

Peter was lucky to be paying attention. It was impossible to miss the snake. The snake would have had an easy time hiding in the green and brown surroundings. The animal was strangely brightly coloured…
Take pictures
Peter, however, mainly associated the snake with frogs or smaller amphibians. Peter was apprehensive about getting close to this strange snake. He photographed it, and then pinned it on the map to show where he had found it. Maybe someone knows more about this creature.

The snake did not seem to be interested in moving. The snake crawled from the cover and settled in the path that Peter was about to take. Peter, not wanting to take any risks, decided to go back to his hotel. He wasn’t finished with the animal…