Don’t Get Noticed Here
Peter looked for an officer that he could easily persuade. He thought Arthur was a bit easy to talk to. It’s game over if another officer notices. He decided to ask and was surprised when he found out what Arthur had said.

Eggs with strange sounds
They acquired an entire creature that had strange eggs. They thought that it would explode. But why were all these agents discussing it? These eggs had to be stored carefully. The noise coming from the egg grew louder. And then, the egg started to move. There was a sound coming from the egg. The egg was the only thing that everyone could agree on. ….

The snake was a new, harmless species. Everyone calmed down. It’s not necessary to hide anything and the government should not be overly paranoid when it comes to such discoveries. There’s no need to keep such information secret from civilisation.
Peter was then released and sent home. The Agents apologised for all the trouble they had caused him.
This is a fictional work created to entertain. Characters and plots are products of the author’s imagination. Images are only used as illustrations.