Peter knew that he was on to something when he first saw this snake. His curiosity quickly got the best of him. Peter was bitten when he got too close. The rangers who found him didn’t seem too concerned about that.
Peter was only concerned about the fact that he had never seen a snake before.
Snake bite
Peter was in a complete state of panic. He didn’t know where the ranger would take him and his hand still bled profusely. He didn’t know if this snake was poisonous. He knew he had to go to hospital but was sure that the ranger wouldn’t be going.

Peter was shocked and quiet.
Peter screamed out for help. But when the rangers reached him, he quickly stopped screaming.
What was the reason for this strange snake? Where did the ranger bring him?

This was not your average snake. Peter was not even sure if it was a normal snake. It came out of nowhere, and he was terrified. He was about a half-mile away from civilization and no one knew his location. It would have been over if he’d been bitten by the snake.