9. Dry Nose and Throat
Some people are unaware that they snore until they wake up and notice that their throat is irritated or that their mouth feels dry.
Snoring can also be caused by a dry throat. Honey is a great way to soothe inflamed tissues, not just for a cold or upper airway issues but also for inflammation in the throat. It can help fight infections. Drink warm water mixed with organic honey to keep your throat moist. If you have a stuffy nasal, rinse your sinuses before going to bed with saline. You can breathe easier while you sleep by using nasal strips, nasal sprays, or neti pots. The key is to keep the air in your bedroom moist. In this case, a humidifier will be helpful.
You may also have chronic snoring if you are taking strong medications to treat an illness. Medications such as tranquilizers, like lorazepam and diazepam(Valium), or sleeping pills can cause muscle relaxation. This leads to increased snoring. Ask your doctor if there are any other options. If you are really frustrated by your sleep issues, it is best to consult a physician.