9. Grady Says Bye

Grady waited until Michaels finished speaking, but Michaels stared up at the sky as if the sheriff weren’t there. Grady announced, “It will come.” After a awkward silence between the two. This heat will break.”
Michaels nodded, and said something unintelligible. Grady felt a chill run down his spine. He shook off the feeling, hoping that it was not the beginning of the flu, which had been circulating and keeping the clinic occupied. He told the pastor, “I’ll see you.”
No one replied.
10. Marianne Talks To Her Husband

Grady drove into the parking lot of his wife’s clinic, shaking off their strange encounter. Marianne, who was outside the clinic, waved at him as he drove up. He kissed her and asked, “Is Jacob there?”
“Just came with a man –Roland Redding. I put him in the back room.”
Grady asked, “What is wrong with him?”