57. Roland is a Traveling Man
Roland replied, “I am a traveler and I knew that this town would be special as soon as I arrived.” It was so special that I wanted to share the things closest to my heart. These objects are not local.

Grady raised his eyebrows. Roland continued.
I’ve been to all places, including those that are not on Earth. “I brought these items back to prove it.”
58. Grady is Relieved
Grady laughed loudly, his Crown Vic echoing the sound. I’m going to get out of the car. In a sense, he felt relieved.

It was over; Roland had left Merriview. Every year, a few Merriview residents protested the Halloween celebration. It would take a cold day of hell for Roland’s talk about other worlds to be taken seriously in this Bible Belt city.
Grady stepped out of the car and he did not hear any laughter or ridicule. He didn’t even hear anything.