53. Roland Arrives
He locked the bathroom door and left her with water and food in the bathroom. He could hear a rhythmic, dull thud as if Marianne were repeatedly bouncing into the door. He knew he should have tied her up, but he couldn’t.

He didn’t want to keep her any longer. This was the end of it today. Even if that meant driving to the swamp with Redding, the two of them.
Redding, Butch, and the rest his posse took to the stage at 1:59 P.M.
54. Roland Begins His speech
The whole town waited in anticipation. Grady knew that he could not approach Roland without putting his life at risk. He was amazed at how fast things had deteriorated in his town.

As he watched his deputies lined up behind Redding, he felt a pang of pain in his heart. He was truly alone.
Roland replied, “Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen.”