19. Grady defends himself
Grady and Marianne returned home after a day of work that was uneventful (though, strangely, there was no storm), Marianne asked her husband why he had been “pressing” Roland.

Grady said, between bites of chicken pot pie: “Just had a strange feeling.” He couldn’t stop shivering despite the fans going full-speed in the room.
Grady and Marianne moved onto other topics. Grady felt Marianne’s disapproval for the way she handled Roland.
20. Hank Takes a Look
Grady forgot about Roland Redding for the rest of the week. He knew that the man stayed at the inn but figured it would take some time for him to leave. Hank said that the car engine of the man was completely broken.

Hank said to Grady, “It was like it exploded as he drove.” “He’s lucky he didn’t get hurt.”
Grady grunted as a response. Grady didn’t say much else.