STEVE YOUNG: $200 Million
Steve Young, a retired American football player who was featured in an episode of “The Issue Is” from 2022, is still considered one of the leading opinion leaders on NFL topics. He is a vocal admirer of Tom Brady, Aaron Rodgers and other NFL stars.
Young is best known for his athletic ability, but he is also a successful businessman and a law-graduate. In 2007, he co-founded Huntsman Gay Global Capital, specializing in equity investments. Young saved $200 million as managing director of the $4.25-billion company.
ROGER STAUBACH: $600 Million
Sports Illustrated asked the question on the occasion of Roger Staubach’s 80th Birthday, if he was the best Dallas Cowboys player of all time. Staubach is up against Emmitt, but when it comes down to money, he may be the NFL’s undisputed GOD.
Staubach, a former Super Bowl MVP and two-time Super Bowl champ, has a staggering fortune of $600-million. But where did it come from? Staubach, a savvy businessman who started his real estate company during the off-season, turned it into a successful business and sold the company in 2008 for $613million.