21. If possible, you should walk or ride a bike to complete your errands.
Were you aware of the advantages to getting your steps in? Yes? Here’s another one.
You can walk or ride your bike if you live near a pharmacy, hardware store or grocery store. You will get some fresh air, burn calories, and increase your heart rate. Purchase a pedometer or use your smartwatch to track your daily steps. Aim for at least 10,000 each day.
22. Plan ahead.
Most of these tips require that you have a plan. Plan to eat in advance before going to a party. Plan ahead and eat before going to the supermarket. Prepare food in advance that is baked rather than fried. Setting yourself up to be successful in weight loss and weight maintenance is key.
If you don’t plan, you will fail.
23. Take pictures of “before” and “after”.
You’re in the right place if you are looking for weight loss inspiration. These photos of transformation will make you want to hit the gym.
Take photos to help you stay motivated on your journey. It’s important to look back at how far you have come. When you look back at your photos, you will be surprised by how far you have come.
24. Find active friends
Your pizza, wings, beer and football-on-the-couch-all-day friends are fun for somethings, but not everything.
According to research, friends can either help or hinder your success. Join a running group or a fitness class for a chance to meet new people.
25. Prioritise yourself.
To want to improve yourself is not selfish. It may be uncomfortable to put yourself before family and friends, but it is important to take care of yourself so you can help others.
Be selfish and prioritize self-care to maintain a positive mental state. You can skip a few activities to go to the gym. Your family and friends will understand.