How To Prevent Germs Transferring From Face
As they touch the surfaces around them, we all pick up germs. Unfortunately, these germs can be transferred into the body when someone touches their faces. Handwashing is a great way to break the connection between germs and illness. Experts estimate the average person touches their face 16 times per hour. Everybody touches their noses, mouths, and eyes. Germs can enter the body when you touch these areas.
Experts advise that you wash your hands often to avoid germ transmission. Hand sanitizers can be used if individuals don’t have access to sinks. When they get to work and return home, they should wash their hand. Washing hands is also important after returning home from running errands or visiting a location other than their own home. Washing hands is particularly important after visiting a sick person, after handling trash, money, animals, or other items that are not clean.