Chamomile’s high antioxidant content has been proven to reduce inflammation, which decreases anxiety risks and stress. According to a study, individuals with GAD (generalized anxious disorder) showed a reduction in anxiety symptoms when they took chamomile.
Healthy bacteria (lactobaccilus, and Bifidobacteria), found in yogurts and fermented foods have a positive impact on brain health. A recent review of a clinic claims that yogurt, as well as other dairy products like cheese, kimchi and sauerkraut, has an anti-inflammatory affect on our bodies. Chronic inflammation can contribute to stress, anxiety and depression.
Green tea
Green tea contains theanine, a amino acid that has been shown to alleviate mood disorders. It may have calming and anti-anxiety properties, and it could increase serotonin production and dopamine. In a 2017 review, it was found that 200 mg of theanine increased self-reported calmness and relaxation while also lowering tension. Green tea is easy to add to your diet. Green tea is a great alternative to coffee, soft drinks, and alcoholic beverages.
Final thoughts
In general, there is little scientific research on Foods That Reduce Stress & Anxiety. Blueberries, spinach, turkey, avocados, almonds and other foods can help to reduce anxiety and stress. Try these foods and see if they help you.