8. Garcinia Cambogia
This fruit or extract is used to treat obesity. This pumpkin-like fruit was originally found in India and other tropical areas. It is becoming increasingly clear that its antioxidant properties make it a valuable tool in the fight against Cancer. Garcinol, a compound found in the fruit, is responsible for this. The compound has been shown to eliminate 89% of pancreatic carcinoma cells in a recent study. This percentage increased when the compound was combined with curcumin.
The anti-cancer supertool curcumin was long hailed, but it only killed 63% of pancreatic cancerous cells as opposed to garcinia’s almost 90%. The biosynthesis between garcinia and curcumin was the most effective, resulting in a higher rate of cancer cell death than if just one was used. Garcinia has been found to help manage breast cancer and lung cancer as well as head and neck, colon, and leukemia.