2. Garlic
We know from research that Garlic has a powerful effect in fighting breast, colon, esophageal, and blood cancers. Garlic contains phytochemicals that prevent nitrosamines. They are poisons, toxins and carcinogens that form in the stomach or sometimes even the intestines. When you consume nitrates, which are used to preserve foods, carcinogens can form.
A study by the Iowa Women’s Health Study showed that women who consumed the highest amount of garlic in their diet had a 50% lower risk of colon cancer than those who ate very little or none. Stock up on fresh cloves of garlic near your store. Crush the garlic, and add it to any dish along with onions. You can also slightly crush whole cloves, and roast them alongside your favorite cut of meat. The phytochemicals in garlic are easily released by crushing the cloves.