12. Orange Fruits and Vegetables
phytochemicals are important in preventing cancer. So how can you tell if a fruit or veg is rich in them? The more orange the better. Think pumpkins, gem squashes, sweet potatoes oranges nectarines and tamarind fruits in India and tropical areas. These fruits contain alpha-carotene and beta-carotene as well as lutein, cryptoxanthin, lycopene and lycopene.
Beta-carotene, the most researched and well-known of these nutrients, is essential for immune system function. It is also beneficial for detoxification, liver output and health, as well as fighting cancers in the eyes, skin and other organs. These fruits are also dark in color due to lutein, zeaxanthin and other pigments. They are superior antioxidants that preserve healthy cells and fight degeneration. Your food basket should include a variety of colors, including dark green and bright red vegetables. There are vital nutrients in foods that have color.