10. Rooibos Tea
The leaf of the bushy, indigenous plant native to southern Africa has healing properties. The indigenous people have revered this plant for centuries because of its healing properties. It is widely consumed as tea today, but because of its high anti-oxidant count, it’s also used in cosmetic treatments. The Medical Research Council, Cape Town, has a team dedicated to understanding this plant’s anti-cancer properties.
Glutathione, the body’s antioxidant, needs to be replenished as we age and make poor lifestyle choices. In a study on rats, the doses of this extract increased glutathione 400%. It is an important discovery because pure glutathione can’t be consumed orally. The Cancer Association of South Africa (CASA) was delighted to discover that six cups of rooibos a day for ninety consecutive days increased the ratio of oxidized glutathione compared to reduced glutathione.