5. Medication
Another common cause of breast discomfort is medication. Many medications can alter your hormonalbalance. This in turn may cause changes in the breasts, and increase sensitivity.
You may want to speak with your doctor if you are experiencing breast pain after starting a new medication. There might be an alternative treatment. This symptom should be listed on the packaging.
The most common causes of these side effects include:
- Infertility treatment
- Postmenopausal estrogen
- Oral contraceptives
- Anadrol
- Antidepressants

6. Menopause
Menopause is similar to pregnancy in that it’s a period when the body undergoes many physical changes. These are governed by hormonal imbalances. This can also cause a change in breast size, shape, and sensitivity, which is often uncomfortable.
Menopause can also be characterized by hot flashes, insomnia, mood swings, hair growth and changes in sexual drive. You may be experiencing breast pain if you experience any of these changes. If it persists, you can take medication to ease symptoms or even reverse them. Speak to your doctor.
However, as mentioned earlier, breast pain can also be caused by medication.